Monday 27 June 2011


Bez siot kt skul td although tiring
All day kt skul,we're just capturing jerr.
Smpai2 memory cam hmpir abez..Haha

I guess what people said is right
''Being with someone who understand our condition and ourself are the most precious time and moment ever"
^^I will always keep this word along with me~!

Btw kan,semenjak due menjak sy jd AJK Fotografi for 2UH ni,ade yg kate that i need to bring my cam whenever my school held an event.
Tak ke gile tuu?Tp xper sbb sy jenis yang suke bidang photografi ni..Haha

Maybe start from now,sy nk psg cite cite utk jd sowang photographer and beat my bro up
Pics taken by him were all cool and sometimes i envy him..Hehe
*P/S lau ade kwn2 abg kt sini,jgn bg tau die erk..Kui3*

Berbalik smule psl kwn2 niey,sy blum sempat erk bg tau name kwn2 yg rpt ngn sy.
Hmm..This is the list of my close friends:-

  • Fathin Nuzul
  • Fatin 'Izzati
  • Ain Azmi
  • Nina Nasaruddin
  • Adrina Zayani
  • Reena Anissa
  • Eha
  • Sherlyn Ng
  • Kak Afifah
Thats all jer my close friends..I dont need more friends..*and i mean it!*
Ok Thats All Jer Yg Sy Mmpu Post For This Time Sbb Over Ltih Niyh
BTW brserta dgn post ni,sy tunjuk jugak la gmba2 yg diambil kt skul td :)