Tuesday 28 June 2011


To Fatin:- Saengil Chukkae Hamnida!
Sorry xsempat nk bli present for u~!
Esk aq blanje arh deyh~!
Sweet 14~!

Happy Birthday Our Magnae~!

So btw nk cerite 2 kes yg trjd dlm hidup sy ari ni

1:-Time ict td,cg srh la update blog kan..then cg pn round2 tlg blog setiap plajar 'n ade la sorang ni tgk gmba lelaki yg tgh ape lg,,cg pn trus la komen..and dgn slambe badak budak tu jwb ''Lau org xbuat,membebel!Lau org buat,komen!"..die blh ckp mcm tuu kt dpan cg?!MasyaAllah.!Then cg pn hempas pintu 2 kali dpan kitorg.!Fuhh brdebar gile!

2:-Tyme BM plak,cg srh buat PLBS so cg srh sorang2 budak bangun utk oral tuu..then bile smpai jer giliran budak tuu (yg buat mslh td),,die bg jwpn yg bodoh+main2 dpan cg..*Sorry kalau trase erk*I can feel that my BM teacher was so mad at her at that time but she controlled her temper..then dlm 3-4 minit slps tuu,,die still main2,,cg pn tengking yg tgh ralit bincang ngn kwn2 ni,punye la trkezut.!lpas cg mrh,cg pn baling file PLBS..mmg senyap sunyi klas tyme tuu..Kcut prut sy waktu tu tauu..Then cg was about to cry..Die pn kmas-kmaskn brg n tgglkn klas kitorg cm tu jerr..Siap ade yg mnangis lagi td tauu.. :'(

To All My Teachers : Sorry If I've ever broke your heart~!Halalkan ilmu erk~!Saranghae~!
To Budak Tuu : Lain Kali Jgn Trlalu Main2 Dlm Klas Tau~!Takowt nnt cg minx tukar guru plak

Monday 27 June 2011

Siwannie is HUNGRY!xD
He looks so funny in this pic XD
This pic is EPIC!Just take a look at Hyungshik's muscle!<3

Park Hyung Shik!

Last Photos For Today..Hehe
Night Park Hyung Shik!Saranghae!<3


Bez siot kt skul td although tiring
All day kt skul,we're just capturing jerr.
Smpai2 memory cam hmpir abez..Haha

I guess what people said is right
''Being with someone who understand our condition and ourself are the most precious time and moment ever"
^^I will always keep this word along with me~!

Btw kan,semenjak due menjak sy jd AJK Fotografi for 2UH ni,ade yg kate that i need to bring my cam whenever my school held an event.
Tak ke gile tuu?Tp xper sbb sy jenis yang suke bidang photografi ni..Haha

Maybe start from now,sy nk psg cite cite utk jd sowang photographer and beat my bro up
Pics taken by him were all cool and sometimes i envy him..Hehe
*P/S lau ade kwn2 abg kt sini,jgn bg tau die erk..Kui3*

Berbalik smule psl kwn2 niey,sy blum sempat erk bg tau name kwn2 yg rpt ngn sy.
Hmm..This is the list of my close friends:-

  • Fathin Nuzul
  • Fatin 'Izzati
  • Ain Azmi
  • Nina Nasaruddin
  • Adrina Zayani
  • Reena Anissa
  • Eha
  • Sherlyn Ng
  • Kak Afifah
Thats all jer my close friends..I dont need more friends..*and i mean it!*
Ok Thats All Jer Yg Sy Mmpu Post For This Time Sbb Over Ltih Niyh
BTW brserta dgn post ni,sy tunjuk jugak la gmba2 yg diambil kt skul td :)

Prince Park Hyung Shik!<3

He's The Hottest And Cutest Magnae Alive!<3 *falling in love*
How Come He Be So Cute? >.<
Kim DongJun/Chocolate Magnae,Saranghae!<3
Chocolate Magnae doesn't even suit him.He's Evil Magnae!Haha<3

Best Athlete In The World<3

1 of my favourite video by Park Hyung Shik..sooo kyeoptta<3 AEGYO HYUNGSHIK<3


Saturday 25 June 2011

I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me
Who you are
Where you're from
Don't care what you did
As long as you love me

Just Boredom~

Lame dh xupdate belog niyh..Keke sowii..Ralit update blog 1 ag :D
So hmm it has been 2 weeks since sy memijakkan kakiku ke tanah airku,Malaysia from Indonesia..Damn i miss Indonesia so badly!
And also 2 weeks since sy brbaik smule ngn musuh semetare ku
So its pretty great laa

Not really in the mood of merapu but nk crite bout something
Nape erk,,2-3 ari nie,,prasaan org jd xbrape nk sdap??
Ase mcm ade something yg trjd jerr..
Yea mmg dh 1 kes trjd n thats is ''Hyungsik jatuh dalam laut!''
At 1st,xpercaye ugak tp lpas hyungsik sndr yg bg tau,,mmg ishk kejut giler arh!

Just let it by gone lar k..hmm another thing is sy dpt tau yg ZE:A ade probs ngn album baru dieorg
*Pehal Feeling Aq Lbih Kt Ze:a Plak Ni??Aiyo!
Some ppl said yg prasaan cm ni means kite over syg kt someone but hmm ntah la sudaa malas mau pikir..
Dh la gmba2 HyungSik daa xleyh upload dlm fb sbb daa cukup 200 -.-
*gile ko?!200 tu bkn sikit siot!*
Thats what ppl slalu ckp kt sy..I'm Not Insane!-.-

Btw g2g now :)
Love yew all~
Mimpi indah erk<3