Saturday 30 April 2011

my kepale is now over serabut!!-.-

ahhh serabut3!!everything around me are making me annoyed now -.- ...annoyed with my big bro,,with my friends,,with facebook n even with this blog -.-!!xboley ka saia mau epi sbentar??aiyaa this world is soo f*cking annoying xcept for mai hyungsik n ze:a!!
 ya Allah,,nape la ari ni aq dup tringat psl org2 yg dup hine aq jer??aq dh mls dh nk pikir psl dieorg..lantak dieorg la dieorg nk buat ape pun..mcmla aq pduli..yg pastinye skarang ni i feel way better than i used to be when i was 1 of their friend..just let them go!!u can do it!!
aq xpaham la knape dieorg tu suke sgt hine aq mntg2 aq ni tuuuttt [org2 yg xbrkaitan xblh mengetahui rahsie ini]..igt korang punyer pahale 2 brlambak ker??lau yer tu xper ar..duh..what a annoying people -.-

Thank God la ade yg sggp mengubati keserabutan aq ni n they are my besties + hyungsik +ZE:A..Thanks all for making my day way better..Love ya all

I know dis post r such a boring 1 right?Hahahha sape srh bace :P..Padan muke =P

bye all..c'ya